First Posting:
The entire purpose of this blog is to catalogue and organize my inspiration, the things that flow through to me through digital means, and thus a singular checkpoint for everything that won't make it on to my physical inspiration boards. I haven't even finished painting those, can you even spray paint cork? I don't know, but I'll find out. I'm currently on a path in my life that will hopefully lead to me getting my BFA from VCU in Interior Design. I'm currently attending NOVA and working on my AA and AS, and I work part time at a Gallery and Custom Framing shop, doing framing. I've always been an avid blog reader, and have written a few personal ones on my own (looking back its like teen angst from '00 to present, nothing I want to share), and a few that I comment on. By nature though I've always been far more of an observant individual than a commenter, so this will help me focus the things that I like and love about my life, this life, and all the fun art and whatnot that goes along with it.
As it is, I often find myself struggling to deClutter my life and organize my wants and priorities, so this blog, this seperate identity, will hopefully provide just that.
My life these days is contained to a single room. A room which really needs to be kept clean and organized, but rarely is (damn ADD)

This is really what I'll consider the current beginning of the journey.