I've got a ton of new links to share with you all my beloveds. Actually I have such a large amount of things to share that the concept of it all is beyond overwhelming.
First though I shall share some of the fabulousness that is the gallery.
Art Whino had an awesome show on the 13th of December, if you are local to the DC metropolitan area you should check it out, as I always say, we are located in National Harbor. So, anyway, get a gander at some of the photos I took of the event.

This is
Jason Snyder and his fabulously lovely and humorous wife. And three of the skateboards he painted, I love how they are all half faces, I was thinking about purchasing the devil, but I have a backlog of art I need to pay for already, so I'm not going to make any investments until I get my funds in order :( You can sort of see the beginning of this show, and no don't ask me why I took this shot in front of our industrial door fronted bathroom. (At least they are blocking the water fountain!)
DJ Mikel Panda was spinning alongside one of
Brandon Hill's (ps that link isn't his site but they have some cool shots of pieces from his last show here)pieces (I love Brandon, I do not doubt you will see him in this blog often, his pieces are just awesome) And yes, I abuse parentheses.

Some of Jason's pieces. He framed them himself (I <3 framers), and he restored the black antique frame around the paranoia piece. You can check out some better shots of them at
Art Whino's website.
The day of the show
James Walker also dropped off some photography. I friggen love James Walker, don't even get me started, people come in the gallery asking about his work and I go on and on about it and he's such a nice guy and I wish I was a decent photographer/painter/anything (practice practice practice!). If I could buy everything he made, I absolutely would, no doubt about it.

His photos are on the small wall to the left of the photo. He has a ton more, and this photo does not do his work justice, as per usual.

Here is Kelsey pouting in front of one of his paintings. I think everyone is sick of the fact that I love taking photos of the people who work at the gallery as much as the visitors.
Thats it on the gallery for now! Come out and see the delightfulness that is Art Whino!